What Does a Neuron Actually Do?!
In numerous previous articles, we discussed ligands binding to receptors and influencing a neuron’s activity. Today let’s delve into how a neuron actually functions and look through an example of a standard activation of a neuron.

Glutamate: The Tastiest Neurotransmitter
Glutamate is one of our most important neurotransmitters, but our taste buds also utilize it to signal umami taste. Is this purely a coincidence? In this article we’ll go over the basic functions of Glutamate as well as delve into why Glutamate is the tastiest neurotransmitter.

Ok, Dopamine MUST be the Happiness Molecule Then... Right?
Dopamine has perhaps a much more straightforward and direct relationship with both reward and pleasure, and so this statement is somewhat more correct than the one about serotonin. But the reality, is as usual, far more complicated and interesting.

Serotonin, is it Really the Happiness Chemical?
As the science of our brains slowly becomes more widely known, the neurotransmitter Serotonin has become a relatively commonplace phrase among laymen. Pop science media frequently has dubbed the compound "the happiness chemical" and equates lowered levels with depression. This all sounds good, but the question is, is it even true?